You’re ready to plan that perfect Disney vacation, where do you start? Most Disney vacations can be booked up to 499 days in advance, giving you well over a year of options to design your best trip ever. There are lots of factors to consider when choosing the time of year you want to travel – from weather to crowds and even special events and festivals.

As travel agents, it’s our job to guide you through this selection process and help you pick the right travel dates for you. But, if you’re looking to do some research and prepare for that conversation, the below guide will take you through Disney World month by month, highlighting what you can commonly expect from each. Of course the weather, and even the crowds, cannot always be perfectly predicted and all events are subject to change. But at a high level, these are the major patterns you will find each year at Disney World.

Highest Crowds: Crowds are prevalent at Disney all year round. But, there are certain times of year when these hit their absolute peak. Spring Break (about Mid-March through the week after Easter) and the time surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas through New Years are some of the highest crowds all year. Other Holidays (4th of July, Halloween and even long weekends like Memorial Day) are also likely to see peak crowds. Summer, although consistently busy, is typically not as crowded as the above mentioned dates. Higher crowds at Disney also correlates to higher Prices on both tickets and resort hotel rooms. Sometimes high crowd seasons are hard to avoid. There is a reason they are popular, they are a convenient or fun time to travel. A good travel plan developed with a Travel Ease advisor can help you navigate any crowd or season.

Lowest Crowds: Again, crowds are almost always present at Disney. But for those searching for the lowest crowds, these can often be found in January and February (avoiding Holiday weekends). Also look at the weeks after Easter (but before schools let out) as well as Fall in the few weeks after most kids head back to school. In short, your best bet is when kids are in school and there are no major holidays close by. These times of year are also more likely to see lower prices and maybe even promotions offered by Disney.

Weather: Florida weather is nothing if not unpredictable. The hottest months of the summer can span from May through as late as October, with the most humid falling later in the summer. November through February are typically cooler and mild. Although the spectrum still varies from pool days to sweatshirt weather. These are the best months for those who can’t stand the heat. Hurricane season (aka rainy season) spans broadly from June-November. Although difficult to entirely avoid this time of year, be aware of the possibility for storms during this time and plan accordingly. It is also not uncommon to see at least some rain on most days.

Month by Month Guide:

January and February

  • Crowds overall are lower, with some clustering around long holiday weekends. This makes for a great time to visit.
  • Temperatures have average highs in the mid-70s making for gorgeous days in the parks, but less pool time.
  • Pricing: low 
  • Special Events: Enjoy Epcot’s Festival of the Arts (free with admission to Epcot). There are typically two Run Disney events: the Walt Disney World Marathon (January) and the Princess Half Marathon (February).

March and April

  • Crowds: Spring Break crowds begin to arrive with a vengeance and will stay until a full week after Easter, when they begin to dissipate. Expect and plan for higher crowds/prices. 
  • Temperatures climb closer to the 80s. Pool time is common, but so are random cooler days so pack accordingly.
  • Pricing: High

Special Events: Enjoy Epcot’s Flower and Garden Festival exploring special floral displays, food and shopping (free with Epcot admission).

May through August

  • Crowds: Summer crowds are steady but manageable. Avoid major holiday weekends to miss peak crowds. For lowest crowds, visit as early as possible before all schools are out for summer break.
  • Temperatures hot in early summer to straight up sweltering in late summer. Humidity and storms are more common as the summer drags on. Have a plan for rainy days and remember that even rainy days at Disney can be a lot of fun.
  • Pricing: Average, often promos available

Special Events: Enjoy Epcot’s Flower and Garden Festival through midsummer where in 2021 it will move straight into the Food & Wine Festival (both free with Epcot admission). Shopping and excellent food and drink booths throughout the World Showcase are prominently featured. Halloween decor and events will start to sneak in by mid- August!

September and October

  • Crowds: Fall has become a more popular season to travel to Disney. Lowest crowds will be in early September right after schools return. Highest crowds will build through October and around Halloween.
  • Temperatures are often still very hot in September and early October. This is also still hurricane season and rain is common. Humidity can begin to trail off later in October.
  • Pricing: low to average in September, higher in October

Special Events: Epcot’s Food & Wine Festival continues! Halloween decor and events are common (and popular) at Magic Kingdom. 2021 will feature a Halloween themed After Hours ticketed event. Previous years have seen Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party.

November and December

  • Crowds will build throughout this period. The closer to the holidays the higher they get. Christmas and New Years week are two of the most crowded at Disney all year.
  • Temperatures begin to soften as humidity declines. Highs in the low to upper 70s are common.
  • Pricing: High, reaching a peak at Christmas
  • Special Events: Epcot’s Food & Wine Festival gives way to the Festival of the Holidays featuring celebrations around the world and the renowned Candlelight Processional.  All Parks and resorts are decorated for the season and Magic Kingdom typically features holiday decor and special events such as Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party.

There are great reasons to visit Disney World each month of the year. Whatever best fits your family’s schedule, there will be fun events and plenty of magic to go around. A great touring plan and advice from an experienced Travel Ease advisor is your best asset in planning your trip, no matter when you decide to visit! We have agents in the park throughout the year scoping out festivals, special events and crowd patterns. To get started, reach out for quote here.

I’ve visited the parks personally during each season of the year and each trip is unique and special in its own way. From holiday decor to soaking up extra sun and pool time there is no single right time to visit. I specialize in helping you design a carefree and fun trip for your family – whether your dream is a relaxing spring break retreat, summer fun in the sun or a magical holiday escape. I’d love to help you plan the visit that fits your family!